Saturday, January 1, 2011

Freezer Recipe Basics

Keep the following things handy for  the cubes. Prepare them in bulk on a liesurly day and your daily cooking will be done in a jiffy.

1. 2 single ice-cube trays with lid
2. 2 mini ice cube trays
3. A set of freezer containers(I use different colour lids for different masalas)
4. Freezer bags
5. Artists masking tape and pen with waterproof ink( for labeling the containers)

Single ice cube tray and mini tray

Green Chilly Cubes


1 cup green challis washed and cleaned

1 teaspoon lime juice
Grind in a chutney jar of a mixie coarsely.
Fill a  mini tray, level with a knife, cover and freeze for a day.
Transfer to a freezer container.

Take one or two cubes and use in the place of fresh chilly. Will stay fresh for six months